Last night was a rather interesting night indeed. It started off with having to do laundry, so I went to Tim’s place to start a load, and then we streamed into prayer meeting with Patrick, Tim and I since we all weren’t feeling the best. Patrick also brought over some food that we cooked, and we enjoyed each other’s company while praying and watching prayer. After prayer was over, we started to discuss old songs that we used to listen to. Everything from 60’s music, to Alan Jackson, to Green Day, and 80’s Metal. As we were discussing the memories attached to these songs, one came to my mind but I couldn’t remember the tune, the words, the title, or even the band that went with the memory. All I could remember was the voice of the guy singing. So we proceeded to go on a wild goose chase to attempt finding the “winey” voice that I remembered from an oldies CD my dad had in his car that my brother and I would always ask to listen to.
About 2.5 hours later, we still hadn’t found the song, but I was pretty sure Guns N Roses was the band. Still trying to wrack my brain for the song itself, or something that would prompt my memory, I grabbed my laundry, said goodnight to Tim and his roomies, and headed home. This is around 23:30. Before I left the apartment complex, I had a wild idea to text my brother to see if he would remember the song that was eluding my brain. Sure enough, he texted back with the song name, and some of the lyrics to the song. BINGO! He remembered! Thus proving that I wasn’t losing my brain, and that the song did in fact exist. The song was Paradise City by Guns N Roses. Brandon saved me from pulling an all-nighter trying to find the song because my brain wasn’t letting me rest till it was discovered.
I arrive home, and then I find that my toilet is clogged… so I asked my roommate Brenda to see if she might have a plunger, but sadly she didn’t. Though she did find a solution that was worth a shot online. Put a few drops of dish soap and hot water in the toilet, and Huzzah! it’s fixed! I decided to take a shower to let the soap have time to work it’s magic, and when I tried to flush it after the shower it started to overflow onto the bathroom floor… GROSS! By now it’s about 00:10 in the morning and I needed to get my toilet fixed because of my frequent trips to the bathroom at night (probably part of the reason I don’t sleep so well). So, in my mountain dew PJ’s and a green shirt, I go out to my car and drive to Walmart.
On my way to Walmart, this bright light appears in the sky drawing my eyes upward. A meteor! How cool is that?! Maybe this trip to Walmart is worth it after all. I pull into the parking lot after waiting at a long traffic light (with no one coming the other way) and park by the entrance near the “Home and Pharmacy” side. Walking up to the doors, I find that they are blocked off, so I walk to the Grocery side and enter. Walmart parking lots are kinda creepy at night when you’re alone… Just saying… I go into Walmart on my quest to find a plunger. I feel a little embarrassed to be getting just a plunger, so I got a curtain rod (which I needed to get anyways), and another towel (since I also needed one of those) to conveniently cover up the fact that I have a clogged toilet and needed a plunger.
I couldn’t find a plunger anywhere… I tried in the bathroom area, nothing… I tried the cleaner isles, nothing… so the last place I checked (after texting Tim for help) was the Do-it-yourself section. THERE IS WAS!! So I grabbed the cheapest plunger I could find and made my way to the cash register (the only one that was open). As I put my stuff on the belt, this nice elderly lady asks if I am redoing my bathroom. I replied that I was just picking up a few things that my roommate and I were lacking, since we just moved and our other roommates had these things, not us. She looked at me and started telling me about her roommate experiences in college. Apparently she had a spoiled girl for a roommate. The girl was an only child and her dad would send her money every week, and since it was her first time on her own, it wasn’t a good combination. I was glad to explain that since my roommate and I are from the same ministry, and are Christians, that we have it pretty good and get along quite well. The lady looked at me like I was crazy, so I proceeded to insist that I wasn’t lying and that God really had blessed us here at GFA. Just then another customer came to the register and stole her attention from me, so I bid her “good evening” and went on my way.
With plunger, curtain rod, and towel in hand I proceeded to my car and then home. By the time I unclogged my toilet, brushed my teeth, and got in bed, it was about 2:00 in the morning and I was welcoming any sleep that would come my way.
Thus ends my rather interesting evening. Have any of you had evenings like this? What are your stories?

Source: Late Night Walmart Run